Friday, October 26, 2012

Gordon Moore

Gordon Earl Moore, born in San Francisco, California in 3/1/1929, is an American co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation. Under him, Intel introduced the world's first single chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004 invented by Intel engineers.

He is widely known for his bold prediction, popularly known as Moore's Law, states that the number of transistors on a chip will double approximately every two years. Intel has been maintaining this pace for decades, using this golden rule as both a guiding principle and a springboard for technological advancement.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Task 4 - Future Technology

So last week Sir Ahmad gave us a task, to draw our own invention with our own creativity. Inspired by one of the recent anime that I've just done watching, this is what i came up with..

It may look like a normal safety helmet for motorbike riders but there's three wires attached to it. Well, this is what i call the NerveGEAR. It brings games into reality even online games, this is the most ideal future technology that every gamer is looking forward to, to be in the virtual world of the game. The NerveGEAR sends a frequency wave that connects with the human brain and nerves, the user will actually stay still laying down while they're moving only inside their brain, what they will see is the virtual world of the game that they are playing.

p/s: Internet ku inda baik semalam sir so aku inda dapat post last night (Banar. Inda Tipu.)

Note: Actually took from SAO (Sword Art Online) Big fan here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Task 3 - Some stuffs that I've learned during lectures

These are the stuffs that I have jotted down in Hardware Technology class;

What is a Workstation?

A Workstation is any PC or Laptop that we own. Its an old term of our Personal Computer which we use to work on.


Types of Floppy?

There are 2 types of Floppy;

  1. The big black Floppy (which was used probably around my sister's and Sir Ahmad's generation).
  2. Diskette.

A Computer only knows 0 and 1. We are the ones that give them instruction that actually does what they do for us. A Computer is not smarter than any human.

An 8-bit computer means that the computer can only stores eight 0 and 1. The largest bit currently is 64-bit.

In 1980, MS-DOS appears.

In 1990, Pentium was introduced, during this era then PC has interface and Windows made it first debut as well as Linux in this era of time.


What is a PC Clone?

PC Clone is a copycat machine. A machine which can do exactly the same things that an original PC can do. Cloning of devices have been done since 1980s.


64-bit is made for heavy duty workers and hardcore gamer.

32-bit is common in most computer architectural.


Digital technology works with the help of light.


ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer) is the first digital computer that was developed. (ABC does not stands for Ais Batu Campur, nyaman plang tu)


The first computer in the world to be programmed with a software as Zuse's computer Z3. It was used in the German aircraft industry during World War II. It was made by Kanrad Zuse.

Task 2 - Hardware Technology

What is Hardware Technology?

Hardware technology is the making, modification, usage and knowledge of computer devices and peripherals

What is Mainframe computer?

A powerful computers use for critical applications and massive data processing used commonly by corporate and government organizations. example is IBM zSeries and System z10 servers.

What is a Minicomputer?

A class of smaller computers that is capable of running programs in a higher level language, such as Fortran or Basic. Example is Data General Nova, a 16-bit minicomputer.

What is Supercomputer?

A very large computer with very large computing power and huge RAM. The use of massively parallel processing distinguishes a supercomputer from the others. One supercomputer contains 5800 processor and more than a trillion bytes of RAM. It is mainly used in the sciences of engineering. Examples are Blue Gene and The Cray.

What is Microcomputer?

Microcomputers are the one that is mostly being use nowadays in our generation, it has a microprocessor as its Central Processing Unit(CPU), a memory, and input/output facilities. It is also called as personal computers. The examples are laptop and PC.

Monday, July 9, 2012

First Task

A simple task.

Create a blog.

This blog will be use for the whole year as Sir Ahmad's student in Hardware Technology subject.
Everything that i will learn in this subject will be posted here almost as if it is an education journal of mine.
